
What’s the weather like?

If you wish to know the average temperatures and rain statistics, click on the previous link for reliable information or run a Google search with the words Weather+Puerto+Vallarta.

What about bugs and mosquitoes?

There are very little bugs and mosquitoes (except during the rain season which is July to September). If you are worried about bugs, rest assured that you will feel protected at night by the gorgeous silky white nettings on top of the beds. Most public areas at night are lighten by lemongrass candles that repel bugs, and if you need an extra protection, you can purchase eco-friendly mosquito repellent from our boutique.

Do you have international liability insurance?


Welcome to Xinalani, how can I help you?
Our office hours are from 9am to 6pm (GMT-5).
Bienvenido a Xinalani, ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
Nuestro horario de atención es de 9am a 6pm.