
Can Mindfulness help us overcome Procrastination?

Jean-Baptiste Belledent
by: Jean-Baptiste Belledent
Can Mindfulness help us overcome Procrastination?

Recently I ran across a guided meditation by Tamara Levitt on procrastination. It was like she read through my mind. I really like to practice with the meditation app Calm, my whole family uses it.

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Procrastination is a universal human problem that affects everyone. Whether it's avoiding a difficult task or delaying a deadline, procrastination can lead to missed opportunities, damaged reputations, and hurt self-esteem. While it's tempting to put off unpleasant tasks to avoid anxiety and fear, it's important to recognize that procrastination is just a coping mechanism that can ultimately hinder our progress.

So, can mindfulness help us overcome procrastination? The answer is yes. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware of our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, which can help us stay focused and motivated even when faced with difficult tasks. Here are some tools Tamara suggests, I have learned to use them to overcome procrastination:

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Notice Resistance

The next time you feel anxious or feel the urge to reach for distractions, take a moment to notice what emotions and thoughts are bubbling beneath the surface. Perhaps you're dreading the boredom of delving into a project, or you're afraid of failure. Observe these emotions and thoughts without judgment.

Keep in Mind What's at Stake

Think about what will happen if you continue to delay. If you're afraid of failure, ask yourself if short-term relief is worth the possible outcome. By keeping the consequences of procrastination in mind, you can motivate yourself to take action.

Set up a Reward System

Give yourself an incentive to get started on a task. Once you've put in an acceptable amount of work or reached a certain milestone, allow yourself to indulge in comfort or pleasure. This can help harness your motivation and keep you on track.

Practice Mindfulness

The ability to maintain focus on the present moment is a key mindfulness skill. As distractions arise, remain aware moment by moment, and keep pulling yourself back. By strengthening the muscle to stay strong amidst temptation, you can maintain your focus even when faced with difficult tasks.

Practice Non-Judgment and Self-Compassion

Remember that we all succumb to delays, distractions, and diversions. Rather than beating yourself up for procrastinating, focus on the very moment in front of you, and lead the way towards progress and possibility.

It's also important to recognize that procrastination is often an active process. Instead of tackling important tasks, we might find ourselves doing busy work or running errands. To overcome this, narrow your focus and reward yourself for meeting your goals. Holding yourself publicly accountable can also help you stay on task.

In conclussion

Mindfulness can help us overcome procrastination by increasing our self-awareness, focusing our attention, and promoting self-compassion. By recognizing our emotions and thoughts, we can motivate ourselves to take action and avoid the negative consequences of procrastination. Remember, it's never too late to start taking steps towards overcoming procrastination and achieving your goals.

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