Canopy Adventure

Ready for an Adrenaline Rush?

Embrace the thrill of soaring from treetop, zipping through lush tropical vegetation at exhilarating speeds. With the guidance and safety equipment provided by the experienced team, you’re in for a heart-pounding adventure.

Your journey starts with our panga to the Boca de Tomatlan Pier. From there, a bus awaits to whisk you away to the Ziplining Park.

Perfect for thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike. Ensure you wear sports shoes and comfortable attire, you will be provided with a helmet, gloves and safety harness with carabiners.

You can email Victor, our experience manager for further assistance in booking this experience, or text him on Whatsapp.


5 Hours aprox.


$105 USD per person.

Min People

4 People

Max People

Welcome to Xinalani, how can I help you?
Our office hours are from 9am to 6pm (GMT-5).
Bienvenido a Xinalani, ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
Nuestro horario de atención es de 9am a 6pm.