Arjuna Valero
Yoga Teacher
“Rid your body of its impurities, let your speech be true and sweet, feel friendship for the world, and with humility seek wealth and knowledge”
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Arjuna is a Yoga instructor who seeks to motivate the student to find and consciously define among the wide variety of Yoga styles, the practice that is best suited to his anatomy and personal search. Arjuna had contact with his first physical practices of Yoga in his childhood and early adolescence, it was not until the age of 16 that he began to deepen in the different areas of knowledge that Yoga offers as a way of life.
At that same age he was invited to take his first certification focused on Traditional Hatha Yoga (Sivananda Style) under the teachings of Olinka Villanueva Zuno in 2014. Years later he also trained as a Vinyasa and restorative Yoga instructor in Davanna Yoga (2017) with Anna Laurita. Deepening and looking for more inclusive ways of practice for different kinds of bodies, ages and minds he was instructed as a Yin Yoga Teacher in the summer of 2017 by Maria Abad in Puerto Vallarta.
Sign-up for Arjuna Valero's workshops

60 Min.

1 Lesson

2 Lessons

1 - 5
1. SUP Yoga Class (Stand-up Paddle Yoga).
2. Hot Yoga Class.
3. Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep / Guided Meditation).
4. Design your own class! Based on what you want to work on (flexibility, strength, inversions, handstands, sun salutations, breathing, etc.) Arjuna teaches at Xinalani on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.* You can sign-up for one of his workshops at front desk. *Days are subject to change without prior notice.

Yoga Teacher
“Don’t practice for cosmetic beauty. Practice for inner beauty and inner light.”
Sri B.K.S Iyengar
Dionne views yoga as a tool for personal empowerment in all life areas. She takes her students on a journey of creating new musculoskeletal patterns & positive neuroplasticity. This leads her students to develop long lasting tools for self regulation, self soothing & personal development.
Ashtanga Yoga with Manu Jois, India.
Hatha & Yin Yoga with Bodhi Yoga, Bali.
Vinyasa + Shamanic Yoga with Kula Collective, Peru.
Aerial Yoga with Lindsay Nova.
Thailand Advanced Clinical Bodywork in the Jing Institute, UK.
Heart of Sound Vocal Yoga TT in India.
Global Panchakarma + Ayurveda in Kerala, India.
Kundalini Tantra Yoga TT, Portugal.
Tantra Teacher Training (yoga, meditation & breathwork) with Peter Little John Cook.
Heroic Performance Coach, USA.
Rapid Transformation Therapist, Marisa Peer, UK.
Sign-up for Dionne's workshops

60 Min.

1 Lesson

2 Lessons

1 - 5
1. Introduction to EFT / Hypnotic Meditation.
2. Vocal Yoga, Mudras, Kriyas + Mantras.
3. Restorative Aerial Yoga.
4. Design your own class (strength, flexibility, inversions, balance, etc).

Yoga Teacher
“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”
Zen Proverb
He sees yoga as a great way to improve and create a better version of ourselves. In an environment of kindness, respect, discipline and dedication, he leads his students through a practice adapted to their needs, where they can lift their spirits, challenge themselves and leave the room with a quieter mind and a joyful soul.
Nutrition and food science degree by UNIVA, Puerto Vallarta.
Reiki Levels 1-3 at Pneuma Institute, Puerto Vallarta.
200hr Vinyasa Yoga at Davannayoga, Puerto Vallarta.
100hr Yoga taoist at Kupuri Yoga, Puerto Vallarta.
50hr Yin Yoga with Bernie Clark, Vancouver, Canada.
200hr Traditional Hatha Yoga at The Yoga Institute, Mumbai, India.
Ashtanga Yoga with Sharath Jois, Mysore, India.
Fundamentals of Aerial Yoga and Aerial Restorative with Antigravity Fitness, Barcelona, Spain.
200hr Yin and Restorative/Therapeutic Yoga in Árbol del Yoga, Guadalajara.
200hr Jason Crandell Yoga Method, Online.
Therapeutic Singing bowls by Ixshala, Puerto Vallarta.
Traditional Thai Massage at Sunshine Massage School, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Mat Pilates en Consciencia Pilates, Bucerias, Nayarit.
Sign-up for Jerry's workshops

60 Min.

1 Lesson

2 Lessons

1 - 5
1. Aerial Yoga Class.
2. Ashtanga Primary Series.
3. Introduction to meditation.
4. Restorative Aerial Yoga
5. Pilates
6. Design your own class! Based on what you want to work on (flexibility, strength, inversions, handstands, sun salutations, breathing, etc).
Jerry teaches at Xinalani on Mondays and Fridays.* You can sign-up for one of his workshops at frontdesk. *Days are subject to change without prior notice.